Sunday, February 28, 2016

PLNs, Conferences and a little bit more...

For the past two years my career has turned into a whirlwind of changes and new learnings: with switching positions three years in a row- from being a classroom teacher to ELL Resource to SpEd Resource to currently being one of three district coordinators for second language programs.  Add to this... the explosion of educational tech tools and educational trends (iPads, Edu Apps, EdTech, Future Ready, Maker's Space, Coding, STEM...) that I am trying to stay on top of, in order to best support the schools with which I work... and to be honest, because I do believe this is another way I can give the students that I service the tools and opportunities to open up the world to them.

These changes have opened up an amazing ocean of learning and professional development opportunities in which I find myself holding on to the nearest buoy (since I can't really swim that well) just to stay afloat: this is why I firmly believe in the power of having a PLN (Professional Learning Network).

One of the most important professional life savers I have had these past two years is being a member of the DEN (Discovery Education Network).  This voyage began with my school district hosting a DEN Star Ambassadors program.  Being the curious and involved educator that I am, I dove head first! Before I could process what I was doing, I found my self attending my first DEN Summer Institute. This learning event took place in Nashville in the summer of 2014.  Over 150 educators from all over the United States, Canada and the UK came together to learn from each other. At this point I wanted to learn it all! And found myself drowning with information overload and just extremely overwhelmed by the experience!!

However, this was the spring board to what has been my learning journey these past two years. At DENSI2014 I met incredible people that I reconnected with at DENSI2015 (YES! Two years in a row).  These two experiences opened up my heart and mind.  I began to understand the true meaning of human capital and resources. I have been inspired by people like Rafranz Davis who taught me about the power of blogging and Marita Diffenbaugh who showed me the importance of connecting with people.  Not to mention the friendships that I have developed with amazing educators across the country!

Through the DEN I have learned about the impact of having a Professional Learning Network, but the most important thing... is connecting with educators from all over the globe... that are passionate about teaching and learning, that want to provide the best experiences for their students and support their colleagues.

Because of these supports, I have been brave enough to let the waves take me along as I continue to do what I love most... learning and teaching!

This past week I co-presented on "Digital Storytelling" at the ICE16 conference in my home state of Illinois.  I am discovering the impact that teaching other teachers, a little bit of what I know, is having on student learning. I have led a few workshops in my school district on this topic with the emphasis on instructional strategies (including a few Spotlight On Strategies) and the integration of educational tech tools.

Even though I have not reached the masses, the small group of educators that I am influencing are making a great difference on their students' learning, their colleagues and their own professional growth.  This is what continues to propel me to keep on swimming, or floating at times, so that I can be the buoy that others might need for support.

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